Tuesday 1 November 2011

Who's Little Jay?

My parents called me Little Jay Jay and from a young age I was mesmerized by Native American Indians, Nature, Animals, Art and Music. I was very artistic, independent and very proud to be different. I grew up in the heart of Hampshire Countryside and became a dedicate horsewoman in my teens. I spent every spare second outside with nature. As a young adult I studied at Sparsholt Agricultural College and then flew the nest in search of real life outside of the village in the big wide world. I lived outside of the box for many years and was a part of the 90’s Dance Culture. I love to dance and music affects me on a cellular level.

My whole outlook on life changed when my husband and I created our very own Millennium Crystal child. After a nasty experience in the darkness with Postnatal Depression 2002 - 2004 I healed myself with a book by Louise L Hay called You Can Heal Yourself. In 2005 I went back to work and didn’t look back. I had forgotten who I was really meant to be. I was beginning to awaken from the illusion of what we think is reality.
I started to read everything in site which was strange considering that I wasn’t a strong reader. I started riding again and with the internet at my finger tips and a fair few self help and spiritual books later I eventually found my inner child again. I started tracking synchronicity in my every day world and began to see the beauty in myself and the world around me. The medicine of a Blue Jay power animals spoke to me and guided me to a Shaman through a bizarre set of circumstances. I connected with her and received some Light Body Healing. She is now a great friend and teacher.
Since then I have met some amazing people and my life has changed in a fascinating way. I am now learning and experiencing all about the old ways that should have been past down through the generations of tribes, families and traditions. I am very proud to be a Steward of The Earth and Munay-ki Rites Graduate exploring and discovering myself in my beautiful native country. We are who we have been waiting for!

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