Tuesday 1 November 2011

A fine balance

His arms wrap around their lives,
strong, protective, sure.
He throws them high into the air
beyond even their own expectations.

He listens with his heart
to more than just the words.
Believing in their inner strength
when they feel lost or torn.

He’s really quite the magician,
turning meltdowns to shrieks of laughter.
Letting go of past behaviours
to focus fully on the now.

He teaches by example,
gently guiding, waiting, trusting.
No repeated long winded-lectures,
just nodding, knowing and being.

He holds each moment loosely
so that every dream can grow.
Stepping back and to the side,
yet somehow remaining center.

My children are indeed lucky,
more whole because of him.
And our family’s truly complete
with all the balance that he brings.

By Soul Seeds

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