Friday 11 November 2011

Yule Magic Blog Party

NEWS FLASH - The next phase of The Little Jay Way has begun. I spoke with my lovely mentor/teacher Sally Walker last Thursday morning and felt as though I have known her always. I am delighted to have the fantastic opportunity to learn and grow with Sally as the new Village Witch Apprentice. I am so excited about this and feel that this has been calling me for quite some time now. Since making the decision to commit to this path and feeling my way a long my intuition has been showing me what questions to ask. The universe has shown me where I should be paying the most attention. My first real blog article will be about; What it means to be a witch to me and how I may or may not be accepted into the local community/village.

Please watch this space as I get under way with my new adventures I will be recording every step of my journey here on this blog and sharing them on my Facebook profile as I learn the way of The Village Witch. Your help, support and feed back is very much appreciated. As I get organised and familiar with regularly blogging please join in the fun and celebrations.

Activities: The Yule Magic Blog Party. For more information go to See you there. With many blessings.

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